Rewiring the System

Loving Jazz

When I was 9, I would sneak out of the house on South 6the Street near Snyder, when my Mother was asleep and walk into the Center City. One night I stood in the doorway of the Jazz club called the ‘Log Cabin’ on South Street at Broad in Philadelphia to listen to John Coltrane. This club was an important stop for the great musicians on their national or international tours.  I was just to young and small to be allowed in the club.

He was my heart sound. He was the sound that the tip of the creative arrow makes in the the sleeping mass.  John Coltrane was coding time and place. The real artist is of his time and place as a true mirror of the goings on. He expressed the repressed anger of the 1950’s .

I listened to My Favorite Things album every day I came home from junior high school.

I have long been interested in the intersection of the history of truth and how with a ‘collection of options’, people in general, and forward thinking individuals would create our human future. What to do with people who speak out?How to dig into the data stream in real time?
I love John Coltrane, his passion and fire, his musical comments, ‘speak out’ loudly about the anger of racism, touched me as a child and on into my teen years. This music and this man who listened to his fellow beings with his heart served to create my personality and core values that ‘I am my brothers keeper’. His time with Sun Ra, who played free concerts with his entire space cadet orkestra thrilled me. Many Jazz creators taught me to listen to life, listen without the barrier of ideology and ego. I guess in current parlance would be called Mindfulness.  Jazz really formed my mind. Dave Brubeck too.

True Stability

Yes, there is a pointer of thought. Who among us spends more than an occasional moment or gives much thought to just where Thoughts  come from?  Where do we each place the pointer of our thinking mechanism? Finding this takes real mental effort and emotional control. The difficulty is finding the tip of a thought. Where in your brain and consciousness do thoughts start?  Some writers and thinkers have labeled that point a space in time. I once heard a man say that it is a GAP where choice functions.  He used the word GAP to give some idea of thinking as a stream of action that has a muscular structure and can be exercised to be in charge of the development of strength and stability of Mind. The vagaries of life happen though I choose the direction to tell my ‘thought’ where and how to travel.

It is like the difference of a cozy relationship and a marriage. How do people make the choice to do more than just visit with one another as humans who are dating and risk being together in cohabitation both physically and financially? The choice might be an emotional space we have all experienced at one level or another. Emotions are easier to understand than thinking.

When I drive, I am calm. It took many years of working on the space between the originating thought and a response either physical as accelerating or breaking or the emotional response which rises my blood pressure or an expression such as honking .

True stability is poise in the GAP. It is an ease with the short view of what is good right here and now in this moment in this lifetime and the long view of how this moment will attract and construct the future of individuals, Nations, and our very planet in the family of stars.

Being moderate and  trying to live simply certainly gives me a large screen to view the display of my actions and reactions. I am a beginner.

Sound Waves In Stones

Nothing you ever say is lost. Every word, ( you say out loud), continues to move across the vast stretches of time and space. Some sounds are stored in the surrounding solid matter before some of the sonic vibration bounces and continues out through the star dust. My daughter read the following pages and asked me, ‘What is your point?’  So I answer, ‘sound is the most powerful force in the nature system ‘. It is the waves that move matter. The Boom might come after our sight of lightening in the sky, but the lightening is a flash of magnetism, attracting particles and the sound continues to move through all molecules.

SILENCE is to be considered more carefully.

‘Be ready to let go of the life you planned to make a place for the life that is here: The life that is coming’. ~  Joseph Campbell

His work is vast, covering many aspects of the human experience. His philosophy is often summarized by his phrase: “Follow your bliss.”

Stones do not forget what occurred in the stone walled rooms.  Do you ever take a good long look at your walls?

Sound waves continue on out to the edge of the universe. Sound keeps going in a undulating wave and never stops.  A drum produces sound via a vibrating membrane.

Boom Boom BOOM

All the concerts ever held in this room sing out from all the walls in all the rooms in all the prized castles in the city, the rural towns, and all the countries around our globe. The walls absorb sound. The stones build buildings of power.

Wondrous beauty is preserved in the molecular construction of the stone, stacked one upon another, reaching to high ceiling cell spaces. Our rooms are built for living life to the fullest and catching and holding every moment of our vibrant life.  I listen to every instant of my life. I hear, that all life is brimming with sound.

Lovingly Washing The Same Plate For The Rest Of My Life

I am lovingly washing the same cup, saucer, plate, and bowl, for the rest of my life!

I am a one of a kind life.  A one of a kind stone, and every stone is unique. Just as each person is a one of a kind. Think yourself and about each of us a a stone which is used to build a one of a kind room. Each construction comes down to the small  one of a kind cell in our billion celled human body as this important, one of a kind individual. Stone walls are for boundaries walling a separate and safe space from the outside forces of man and nature.    Unlike concrete, which has no long-term connection to the core of the earth, stone holds in its layers all our stories. Stone time, taken from our molten beginning, reaches back into our global origin, it records our structural creation compounded from dust. Concrete has none of the made by Mother Nature molecular structure that retains sounds.

Sound is ‘energy in action’.  Every sound flows as undulating sign wave which does not stop waving. Sound is an unending movement in air that is forever carrying our songs and sighs of happiness and sadness out to the edges of the finite edges of space. Does space have an edge?

Sound is Energy.

The perception of sound in any organism is limited to a certain range of frequencies. For humans, hearing is normally limited to frequencies between about 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz (20 kHz)

Just like in science class where I learned that energy is the capacity to do work, I came to understand that sound moves mountains too. Sound is also the capacity to play.  Sound is a property of any system, which diminishes when the potency moves. Doppler begins with vigor to diminish as vapor on the wind. Sound could collect in an effort of laziness often labeled as a song stuck in my head. It is funny to listen as the sound system does ‘work’.

Work and Play are both an action. One Mind Set System on  another system. How do you choose to label your everyday activities? Work and Play are movement.  Both are consumers of energy.   The words I choose are my way of communicating a level of gravity about each action. Time sure flies when you are having fun!

The diminution of this quality of vigorous sound in time calls to my mind the communication between the Space Station and NASA.

Hello Huston, One Small Step For Mankind…. !

Endeavour Over The Golden Gate Bridge 21 September 2012

What ‘work’ builds our bodies, what play does the same building? Both play and work builds our minds, bodies, our lives, and our structures.  Joy is the potential amount of usefulness we, each of us use in the creation of everything we think say and do and produce. Songs and stories do the heavy lifting in life. How else are we to be useful, both for our self and the many other selves?

Remembering that we were sitting still in a stone building, we constructed in our imagination, hearing the resonance bouncing off the walls of our brain, the history recorded in our breathing in and out.

In this present moment, where we are now, sitting or standing, we are able to be actively remember that we can breath as we play and work.  We flow along with the Earth in its pushed spin around the sun.  Storms of particles bombard every material thing from the cyclic explosions on our system Sun.  Our Earth is a small dot in a small solar system in the far left arm of our spiraling galaxy.  We are stardust!  Shimmering reflections of refracted light held together by some habit pattern. We are the flow of electrical signals in a consensual harmony.  This pattern can motivate your thoughts into material forms that become the self-fulfilling prophesy. Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

The ability to act while watching the effect on both things and people is a force of leadership. When we marvel at our unlimited natural source of usable mental, emotional, and physical potential then we have a visual reference of the results of your actions.  We can see that our ‘grace in action’ blossoms from the seeds emanating from a ‘self’ we plant with every thought and step.

Watch the tension and exertion of your thought, as you generate and direct a desire. It is a desire that moves us through life. A desire for comfort, or a fear of discomfort, or an anger with whatever that takes the ease and creates ‘dis-ease’. Be an observer of yourself in your own life.  Breathe with your own rhythm and listen to your sound.  Hear your thoughts as you move. Move into a language made up of words you use to describe the place where you are and the place you are moving toward. The truth about life is that even if you are sitting still you are always moving.

Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard  {Physics of sound , Spherical compression waves  The mechanical vibrations that can be interpreted as sound are able to travel through all forms of matter: gases, liquids, solids, and plasmas. The matter that supports the sound is called the medium. Sound cannot travel through a vacuum.  Longitudinal and transverse waves  Sound is transmitted through gases, plasma, and liquids as longitudinal waves, also called compression waves. Through solids, however, it can be transmitted as both longitudinal waves and transverse waves. Longitudinal sound waves are waves of alternating pressure deviations from the equilibrium pressure, causing local regions of compression and rarefaction, while transverse waves (in solids) are waves of alternating shear stress at right angle to the direction of propagation.

Matter in the medium is periodically displaced by a sound wave, and thus oscillates. The energy carried by the sound wave converts back and forth between the potential energy of the extra compression (in case of longitudinal waves) or lateral displacement strain (in case of transverse waves) of the matter and the kinetic energy of the oscillations of the medium. Sound wave properties and characteristics: Sinusoidal waves of various frequencies; the bottom waves have higher frequencies than those above. The horizontal axis represents time. Sound waves are often simplified to a description in terms of sinusoidal plane waves, which are characterized by generic properties Frequency, or its inverse.}

A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, a perfect man and a perfect woman met.  After a perfect courtship they had a perfect wedding.  Their life together was, of course, perfect.  One snowy, stormy Christmas Eve, this perfect couple was driving their perfect car along a winding road when they noticed someone up ahead in distress.  Being the perfect couple, they stopped to help.  There stood Santa Claus with a huge bundle of toys.

Father Christmas Santa Claus

Not wanting to disappoint children on the eve of Christmas, the perfect couple loaded Santa and his toys into their car.  Soon they were driving along delivering toys.  Unfortunately, driving conditions deteriorated and the perfect couple and Santa were in a terrible accident.  Only one of the three survived.  Who was the survivor?

Archangel Surviving Accidents

The perfect woman survived.  She’s the only one who really existed in the first place. Everyone knows there is no Santa Claus and there is no such thing as a perfect man. So, if there is no perfect man and no Santa Claus, the perfect woman must have been driving.  This explains why there was an accident!

Upgrade Your Emotional Operating System

Upgrade Your Emotional Operating System

Welcome to this short time together here in the Rewiring Room.

Find a comfortable position in your seat and take a slow deep breath.

Look around you and see where you are in the room. Look on either side of your seat.

Say hello to your neighbors on both sides and in front and behind you.

Take a moment to realize that you are safe here.   You are with a trustworthy and knowledgeable person leading this group.

You have chosen to come here because you are interested in Upgrading Your Emotional Operating System with all the implications of this process.

Now let’s start:  Start with a few easy breaths Out and In.  Just listen to the air going in, then a moment of stasis, circulating with grace, then out in an easy release. Allow yourself to feel relaxation as the is air going out.  In with all the energy you need and out to relax. You can close your mouth and just breathe in and out through your nose. (Take a moment to clear your nasal passages if you need to).

As you breathe in feel the energy coming in from the surrounding air as the ‘Oxygen’, that active ingredient in air, brings you energy you need to function . As you breathe out send that oxygen to the places in your body that are in tension. Relax with your out breath, a little bit more with each breath. You are a living being which by your own power of thought, you send the air to go to the places where you are tight. Change the habit of holding tension in your diaphragm.

Find an easy natural rhythm. Find YOUR Natural relaxed Rhythm.  Each one of us here has our own individual drum beat, One Two, or One Two and Three, Or perhaps One Two Three Four.  Find the song in your heart, your rhythm and let out a slow sigh.

Now Breath in and find that you, yourself, are comfortable in your seat. Say Welcome Home and breath out and let yourself relax. Let us take a minute to Just Take in air and let it out and with the out release out a little more tension.

The action of ‘breathing out’ works to remove  the dark particles that are stuck all over your insides. Breath out the not needed stuff. There is a science fact about this, but we can put that investigation on hold for the time being, and use this time to breathe in and out.

The next breath you take IN, feel the sense of lightness moving across your forehead and down your arms and legs.  As you breath OUT allow the action of your breath to move down your body and remove the tension in your limbs.

As you breath in and out, doing this easily, you are allowing the crashing of the air molecules within your body to break apart and to circulate the free electron ion into being, bringing you energy.

The next breath you direct your breath-thought to feeling your body on the seat. You are strong and safe and in-touch with your body getting the oxygen it needs to have energy and health in both body and mind.

Feel the Oxygen go to your eyes. Close your eyes and feel all the tension from the usual visual pointed focusing action slip away. As you breath in, allow the curtain of your eyelids to droop down.  Let your eye muscles stop the sizzling seeing pulse. Close your eyes. What do you see on the screen? Take a minute and look at what is projected on the screen of your closed eyelids.

Blink a few times. Now let’s do the clock with our eyeballs. First look as far UP as possible without moving your chin then look as far DOWN, then to Three O’clock and over to Nine O’clock. Then repeat Top, Bottom, Left, Right.  Now start at 12 O’clock and go around, now stopping at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and return to 12.  If you want repeat. Now go in reverse from 12 to 11 and so forth back to 12.

Check your breathing. Relax and find your rhythm return.  Close your eyes and feel your body comfortable in your seat.

What season is it today? When you close your eyes what color do you see?  What are the smells of this season? What do you smell now.

Close your eyes again and imagine you are in paradise. Where is your personal paradise? Is it out in nature or in a styling designer living room?

One way to understand what part tension has played in our everyday living is to see that our ability to speak from our inner self has been silenced. From the seat of our emotions we have lost the search engine to the dictionary that would be able to have a conversation, one to one, with ourselves. This is a tragic loss, this loss of diction! So many people are without words for our emotions.

Everyone in this room has experienced “dehumanizing” in one way or another. Both from software or hardware that seems to diminish our ability to know how we feel about our place in the computer world. How can we communicate with others and function effectively in this on off fast paced world. More often than we would like to admit many have an actual deficiency in understanding, processing, and /or describing our emotions.

How do I feel?  Technology seems often to create new boundaries between people. Our industry was supposed to make communication easier and erase old boundaries

Consider this time we share here as a time to tune our individual inner harp at the intersection of Light and Sound. This is a symbol of the representation of the First Singularity as a Circle: Breathing In and Out.

Parkway Program

I remember Len!  He is a tall thin black man who always had a wise comment and a great uplifting smile. He was in my circle of friends. There were many smiling faces around the Parkway Program High School.

It was an experiment in education as a series of many school centers without a building.  A High School without a High School Building! How could that function?

The Teachers were hired because of their creativity and abilities to be great teachers and flow into a program where they each had to find space in the City Of Philadelphia where they could host their classes for the entire semester of year. I was invited to teach by one of the hired Principle’s, who introduced me to, and to be interviewed by John Bremer. Dr Bremer came up with the concept of using the city as a classroom.

Here I want to include the Wikipedia Page:

John Bremer

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

John Bremer is an internationally-known educator and Socratic philosopher who has been professionally involved with education and teaching for more than half a century. Now in his elder years, in 2008 he retired as a senior scholar teaching at Cambridge College in Cambridge, Massachusetts where he was Professor of Humanities and Director of the College’s Humanities and Freedom Institute. Professor Bremer founded Cambridge College in 1971 when it was then known as the “Institute of Open Education” at Newton College of the Sacred Heart. He now lives full time in Vermont where he continues his research and writing.

John Bremer was born in England, living in London during The Blitz, and served in the Royal Air Force during World War II building airfields in England. He holds advanced degrees from the Pembroke College, Cambridge, England, the University of Leicester and St. John’s College, U.S.. Professor Bremer came to the USA in 1951 on a Fulbright Fellowship.

In the 1960s Professor Bremer gained international recognition for creating the Parkway Program, in Philadelphia, the first School Without Walls as documented in a book by the same name. The school was featured in Time Magazine in its March 23, 1970 edition.[1]

He was Killam Senior Fellow at Dalhousie University in Halifax and later Commissioner of Education for British Columbia, Canada in 1973.

In 1975, when a professor of Education at Western Washington University he founded the Institute of Socratic Study where Professor Bremer was its director until he moved to Australia in 1980 to found the Education Supplement for The Australian newspaper.


I sat with Dr Bremer and felt the clear insightful gaze as he questioned me as to what I would bring to The Program. I told him that I had an idea for a class that taught Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, that used Art Projects instead of written papers as assigned homework.  I called the class: Creative Conceptual Conjecture. I would offer it to all of the High Schools for the junior and senior grades.

We would read The Joseph Campbell book on Myths, The Act Of Creation: Arthur Koestler. (It is a study of the process of discovery, invention, imagination, and creativity in humor, science, and the arts. It laid out Koestler’s attempt to develop an elaborate general theory of Human Creativity). There was a book on color theory and human emotions that came with a set of odd color cards. Dr Bremer liked my idea and I was sent on to get a teachers copy of three of the books I wanted accompanied by the Principle of the Alpha High School.

There was Alpha, the first school of the lottery selection sites. The City Of Philadelphia High Schools were given lottery applications and the students were chosen by chance draw like a big bingo game.

Beta and Delta Schools followed. Each of the schools had a brick and mortar site which functioned as a homeroom. The sort of site where teachers had a cubbyhole for mail, where they had meetings and where the students could mill around and do some bumping into one another as they collect themselves and collect themselves and one another. It was a place where young adults could meet people who might not be taking the same classes yet were part of the new school system.

Does anyone of the alum’s remember who they were then and appreciate the magic?  Do people leave their high school teen times, and places, like smoke and dissipate?  I do not believe that the exposure to Parkway evaporates as people mature. If anything the classroom with out walls builds a ‘gee wiz’ attitude to future experiences thorough out an entire life.

Is giving up and forgetting as much of the past a usual practice, is it a life diminishing to support minimal functioning as sanity saving grace? Or is all the convenience of grace and imagination, in a expansive education, which when I am in the need of grace, helps me to stand when all things want me to lie down. Creative thinking is a boat that always gets each of us to the other side of any problem.

Though my educational roots grew elsewhere, I blossomed in a group that included Richard C. We rented a stone mansion along the Wissahickon Creek.  I was teaching at the Parkway Program and at the High School for Girls, so I could get the lease. We called the commune Bum Fuck Egypt that morphed in to the Island of The Red Hood. The house had five bedrooms. I had the master bedroom with the two big windows facing the street.  Richard lived in another room with M.H. in our wonderful commune, which we gave the Lenny Bruce banner bonhomie, Bum Fuck Egypt. It was this same Richard is who brought me to the Island of the Red Hood in Hinton West Virginia; Len might have been part of that group.  Poets, patricians, politicos, true and wannabee artists, writers, and antique dealers called Island of the Red Hood home.  They all were involved in being in an out of the way part of the world where drugs and dalliances might flourish in privacy. Those were the days at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius.

I taught painting, English and a class called Creative Conceptual Conjecture… the painting class was in the original Tower Theater Rock and Roll cavern that sat a thousand people. This is where I saw the Who. I was sitting on the second row of wooden backless benches.  English class met in an office meeting room on the second floor of a fancy stationary, pen and paper store on either Chestnut or Walnut Street and ‘Creative Conceptual Conjecture’ in my own painting studio.  My first studio on the third or first floor walk up on  40 hundred block of Spruce St and then in a bigger place on 42nd St and Samson. Rob took a picture from one of the first days of class.


Poetic Creativeness: Together Everyone Achieves More: TEAM

My Personal Philosophy, revelations from reading

Parker J. Palmer’s “A Hidden Wholeness”

Some spiritual searching is simple and some searches are complicated. As a
long time practitioner of meditation, I spend time in silently contemplating
mysteries of the inner self.  I reflect on both the individual moments and
those in the complex relationships of working in a group. Ruminating on
being a good listener and an open-hearted person, I see reflections of truth
in my thoughts, emotions and actions as they blossom in the world. With my
heart open, I listen to the greatness of Infinity and to the singular
stories of people. My striving for such understanding has led me to think of
myself as a vessel, as a chalice – with the dual purpose of holding
knowledge of the heart and of the mind. In my studies and practice it is my
goal to reflect the facets of understanding, accumulated over many
lifetimes, and find a new facet in the work I do with others. In many
intersections of my life I have chose quiet reflection as communion,
signified by my person within and without, to give space to singular stories
and at the same moment, to the greatness of infinity.

In order to truly see someone, to see the other person fully, I try to find that same truth in myself.

By dressing and moving with grace and being available to receive people and
ideas, I practice this new kind of sight. In discovering the basic humanity
within myself, I realize how our innate social energy can be elevated by
relatively simple means, deceptively simple. Because of my focus on the
subtle, and the awareness I strive to cultivate, I can often appreciate
where my presence is needed. This occurred in our very classroom, with John,
whom I could sense had a special readiness, and an interest in concerned
reflection. I shared a kind of affection of the soul, by creating a space
for him to view himself, a listening, caring role that was wrought not by
pontificating on religious texts or rigorous solutions, but rather by
something I’d classify as an active passivity. I am actively utilizing the
teachings I have received, but conveying them in a passive manner, in a way
that relays strength without a forceful or urgent tone. John has since told
me that he will remember that moment with gratitude.

From this interaction and others, I am always reconfirming the beauty of the

human condition, that we have such capacity to heal and to be healed. Our
souls are beacons of knowledge; our bodies can and do act out of genuine
goodness. It is up to our own ability to witness, and reflect, our fortitude
in flexing through life’s many lessons that determines our abilities to
deeply connect with ourselves and others. By integrating meditation into my
everyday life, I am working to pacify the afflictions of ago that clouds my
mind and hobble my heart. Buddhists refer to this as Dharma living in the
Dharmata; Quakers would say, discernment, living in the Inner Light. Both
are reference to the “Presence,” which is empty of the phenomena of our
everyday lives. It is a constant, embedded within our lives and the life of
the communities around us. As Dr. Palmer states, “the inner journey, pursued
faithfully and well, always takes us back to the world of action.”
As I pursue my own inner path, I have again been called into action. My
daughter asked me to listen to a serious problem. I said to her that I
would, “just listen,” and would “allow her to hear what is going on.” She
replied, “Mom, that is what you always do and that is why I come talk to
you.” I help her and others by not fixing or saving. Opinions are often
reflections of past aversions, like Opened Yawns! — familial habits that
shade our vision, that same kind of sight I spoke of earlier. “Advice is
just like sharing last week’s dirty laundry,” as the saying goes, but
neither overt opinion nor advice are attractive ways to be of service. Like
gossip, they break the social fabric of community where honest sharing can

In an absence of such cluttered communication, interconnectedness shines. It
is created by the same willingness, or readiness that I’ve experienced with
John and my daughter. It can be cultivated by the simple act of lighting a
flame and forming a circle. The very exercise of creating a powerful symbol
– the circle – and igniting the energy of light are enough to foster this
connection. From such a base it is possible for genuine human connectedness
to fill the longing of men and women. A Hidden Wholeness lists the steps
needed to create the kind of intimacy we long for, the kind of intimacy from
which point we can act as our higher selves. Palmer calls it a
counter-cultural approach. it is currently an uncommon practice to ask open
ended questions. We need to change the way we tell our story, a more
inclusive way as Palmer suggests, for society to maintain. This kind of
faith in each other’s ability to be honest encourages our own internal
growth, rekindling the cycle and restrengthening humanity. In quiet
reflection we calm our minds and hearts; in community, we build, each a
participant, a new way of co-existing.

  Spiritual, communal or social structures could be compared with
  “relationship selling,” a business concept where a salesperson honors the
  intellect of his or her clients by getting to know them, and thus serving
  their needs more acutely.

It is part of the paradigm shift of which I am an
active participant, bringing the “human” back into human beings. We are each
born and come into the world with a gift, which we are here to shoulder
aloft to shine. We are here to weave the light of our individual thread with
the fabric of the human family.
It is vital that we work at countering the “dividing life.” We must each be
true to our inner mission, trust in it and that of our comrades, and be
gentle with ourselves, all people, places, lovers, enemies. This is bound to
propagate a healthy self respect that will seep into our thoughts, words and
actions; When we honor ourselves and others we honor the world.

Fusion and interaction:

How to turn a circle of distrust into a circle  of trust?

“The experience of poetic creativeness is not found staying at home, nor yet
in traveling, but in transitions from one to the other, which must therefore
be adroitly managed to present as much transitional surface as possible.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

When distrust enters into a relationship asking “why” instead of “what” is
an important distinction in the internal questioning process.  At any
transition point it is crucial to look at the root, even at the method of
questioning. Such querying that I bring into my conversations and activities
makes co-creation possible. It is important to be more awake to what is
actually going on when I am with people so that I am able to inspire a
trusting atmosphere.    By acknowledging our personal mistrust we can ask
ourselves the right questions then bring the insights into group
conversations.   Moving as a conscious server, I work, by questioning and
listening to the answers, to knit together my personal identity with my
professional integrity building a vocational vitality as noted on the
Courage to Lead website.

  When we each face ourselves, we each reflect that knowledge outward,
fostering trust and looking very much like wise leadership qualities.

My daughter asked me to write a parenting book before she has children so
she will be able to understand how she turned out as she did and be able to
replicate the process with her children. She said that others had the
abundant opportunities that she had, yet many have not become successful
adults who walk on the straight and narrow folding of reality.  She knows
that I was a single parent as her father was otherwise occupied for most of
the activities, and I was operating with a quarter of my brain surgically
removed.  How did I manage?

Every morning I pull up my ‘on stage’ face, bringing along all the secrets

 of the back stage life with the cacophony of sights and sounds that make up
the walls of my current life.  I walk with relationships, awake to this
stirring of inner self pushing against the walled self, understanding that
change is constant.  Alternatively, I can be asleep in my own life.  Will I
slip on this Mobius strip?  That will be the end, since I will loose my
balance and with it I will loose my integrity.   What I need is a thoughtful
connection with others, with lovers and friends, coworkers who share a dream
with similar ideals.  My living practice is a reflection gained from my
simply sitting still. I open my warm heart against any common form of
interpersonal violence. Peacefully I look to the great inner teacher I call
lovingly ‘mother of the world’ for the path to honor the world. A circle of
trust begins when I can honor myself and honor others with respect and
love.  The distrust dissipates by my integrity in action.  I gave a
productivity ‘in service’ hour at the One Stop in Oakland.  I bring forth
the belief that, Together Everyone Achieves More: TEAM. This is the value of
the inward spiritual journey.  My ‘Home’ uses ‘Love in Action’.  It is the
> rope I braid and gather in circles on my way toward self-integration.  I am
one who thrives on things as they really are in concert with the laws of the
universe and our solar system. What is the timetable and what are the rules
for the smooth function of society and community? This is what I want to
know. With this training, I now have the program steps and the community
connection to develop tools to bring personal clarity to those who come to
me for help.  My gift is the inner glow stoked and tended by reflection on
and contemplation of the ‘highest good’ I can imagine, both for myself and
for those in the world community. This is visible to those in need of a warm
heart and an available ear. I choose to live my life as a friend on the
path, as a person choosing a life of service to the whole with wholeness.  I
base my choice to do chaplaincy work on this friendliness approach.  Does it
matter what ‘religion’ I practice when I am serving in this way?  I bring my
years of sitting practice to a Muslim as well as an Ibo or a Quaker and
Buddhist.  This is the beauty of sharing the experience of bringing an open
wholeness to all my conversation.

Clouds are flowing in the river, waves are flying in the sky. Life is
laughing in a pebble. Does a pebble ever die?
Flowers grow out of garbage, such a miracle to see. What seems dead and what
seems dying makes for butterflies to be.
Life is laughing like a pebble, flowers bathe in morning dew. Dust is
dancing in my footsteps and I wonder who is who.
Clouds are flowing in the river, clouds are drifting in my tea…. On a
never-ending journey, what a miracle to BE!
– Eveline Beumke

Hawking’s Gravity

How often does Kindness and Intelligence bind harmoniously in one well known person? I had an opportunity to stand next to Dr Stephan Hawking and talk directly to him personally while looking right into his eyes. Both eyes were focused and expressive. In fact I got a whole conversation and wonderful connected sense of grace from our extended glances.

Dr. Stephen Hawking and Dr. Kip Thorne will be presenting a program on Black Holes on Tuesday June 19, 2012 at 8pm at the Flint Center in Cupertino CA.

What I so much wanted to tell him was my unpretentious story about reading a book he authored. I was simply talking to this man who I had admired for most of his life. I told him that some 21 or 22 years ago when his thick volume came out I was living in Princeton N.J. I said that I went into the Young Adult section of the Library and took out the thin young adult version and read it in entirety. That version was in larger print and did not have any of the equations!

It happened that I was standing next to him that perfectly lovely June afternoon. It was at that point that he looked into my eyes and I felt a wave of gratitude coming from him.  It was a glance of such tenderness and grace full of real understanding and an appreciation of my honesty, as I was completely unpretentious about reading the children’s copy! My telling the unabashed truth gave me a life long gift of the deep connection with respect for his work though the nuts and bolts are over my head.

The event at the Flint Center in Cupertino CA.  Highlighted the extraordinary new proofs of the gravitational spin both in black holes and the collision of two black holes. There in an easy to comprehend power point presentation was the first glimmer of gravitation force. It is more than any other explanation a position for the gravity puzzle

Dr. Stephen Hawking and Dr. Kip Thorne will be presenting a program on Black Holes on Tuesday June 19 at 8pm at the Flint Center in Cupertino CA.

It Must Be True

Is Depression on the rise? It ought to be, if we face the kind of self-world we have created unto ourselves without seeing the way out of it.

Yes, if we actually face the full extent of the horror of this reality we ought to be VERY depressed. It would be a sentient, sensible and reasonable response.

I am wondering about the ones who are not ‘depressed’ by it !!! With what excuses they pursue their karma dodging.

So, feeling depressed is a very good starting point, a honest, genuine one. Then we, you and I, need to realize that our depression won’t get us anywhere. It is helplessly reactive. Rather, we need to realize how we are completely account-able in Cosmic Tension for our ‘self-world’, and the creative potential that comes with this realization. It is time to say It Must Be True. It is time to get cracked and let some of the horrible slime slither out of cracked and exploded places in our skin. It is time to let in the light of life and wake up to who we have become to one another.

Then we need to discover and master the most potent human resource there is, that:

Thinking frames what ‘IS’  each one of us as a self-world. This means, we can also wipe the slate clean intelligently and within reason in order to beget the self-world that manifests the Highest Good of all humanity together as one. We can stop being mean to each other. We can stop hurting each other with harsh hurting words. We can start to care.

I have been fighting cancer for almost two years and in that time the people in my family circle, the ones I would expect to be caring and to care for me have not. I believe is it a societal dysfunction. I believe that all around the United States there are people suffering who do not have a loving arm around their shoulders to give strength and comfort. I send out this missive in the hopes that some people will extend a little effort toward the people in your world.


Suck It Up

Don’t cry for me,  suck it up, don’t cry for me! Sadness will not attack my soul,  I do not want you to cry for me…. Surrender your soul to me and do it with out fear, surrender your heart and soul to me with gladness and with all the love in your heart.

I had the great pleasure of watching the performance by Gloria Estefan, Jose Feliciano, and Sheila E. for the The President Obama family and friends.  In the conversation by the performer before the music, she said that No Llores meant Just Suck It Up and Move On , in the local vernacular. It seems like a good start in understanding Be Here Now salsa style.

Gloria opened the “In Performance at the White House: Fiesta Latina 2009” with “No Llores”. Also, at the end, Estefan together with Jennifer LopezThalíaMarc AnthonyJosé Feliciano, performed a rendition of her Spanish-language classic, “Mi Tierra“. With the White House as a background stage set the salsa rang out. Like any of the many Latino, Latina party complete with live music, out on the grass lawn, sometimes in a tent, this performance was monumental.

No Llores Don’t Cry
No llores, no llores, no llores, no llores x 4

Si vas a entregar el alma
Hazlo libre de temores.
Si del amor mucho se aprende
Se aprende más de los errores, ¡ay!

Deja de llorar, deja de llorar, deja de llorar
¡Ay! no llores, no no no ¡qué va!
Deja de sufrir y suelta los temores
¡Ay! no llores

Si un día no me quisieras
Dilo de frente y sin traiciones.
Toda la dicha que vivimos
Se queda en nuestros corazones

¡Ay! no llores por mí mi amor
No llores por mí, no llores por mí, no llores más
¡Ah! no llores por mí
No, no llores

El día que yo me muera
No quiero que me manden flores.
Lo que me des, dámelo en vida
No habrá razón pa’ que me llores

¡Ay! no llores, no llores por mí
No hay razón para que llores así
No te preocupes, deja el llanto
Y escucha mi canto que dice así

No llores, no llores, no llores por mí, por mí

Si no disfrutas de la vida nunca podrás ser feliz.
¡Ay! no llores, no llores, no llores, no llores por mí
Que la vida es muy corta pa’ seguir sufriendo así

¡Ay! no llores, no llores, no llores más
¡Ay! la vida es pa’ gozarla na’a más
Oye mi amor lo que yo quiero es que tú me digas
Que a mí tú no me vas a llorar jamás

Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry x 4

If you are going to surrender your soul
Do it free of fear.
If one learns much from love
One learns much more from mistakes, oh!

Stop crying, stop crying, stop crying
Oh! don’t cry, no no no no way!
Stop suffering and let go of your fears
Oh! don’t cry

If one day you should not love me
Say it up front and without deceit (lit: treachery).
All the happiness that we lived through
Remains in our hearts

Oh! don’t cry for me my love
Don’t cry for me, don’t cry for me, don’t cry any more
Oh! don’t cry for me
No, don’t cry

The day that I die
I do not want them to send me flowers.
What you would give, give me it in life
There will be no (lit: it will not have) reason for you to cry for me

Oh! don’t cry, don’t cry for me
There is no reason for you to cry so
Do not worry, stop your crying
And listen to my song that goes (lit: says) like this

Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry for me, for me

If you do not enjoy life you will never be able to be happy.
Oh! don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry for me
Life is too short to keep suffering this way

Oh! don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry any more
Oh! life is for enjoying, nothing else
Listen (lit: hear), my love. What I want is for you to tell me
That you are never going to cry for me

Understand Enjoyment: The show reminded me of all the suffering in the world and how just a little of unconditional love and a real partner to share the trip and travel and wonder of living together in a life of service to the greater good for Peace for all persons and beings.  She is a woman after my own heart. Her Integrity and morals mirror my belief that there is a man in this world and it is worth the patience until he finds you.  Romance is of such value that it is important to know what you want and wait for the Man who knows what you have to offer him at the end of the day. It is a tough world and Home must be a place to be cared for and to return the caring.

I have been alone inside myself for far too long and I am ready for that Moment…

Gloria became romantically involved with the Miami Sound Machine’s band leader, Emilio Estefan, in 1976. As she later revealed, “he was my first and only boyfriend.”  She and Emilio married on September 1, 1978. They have a son, Nayib, and a daughter, Emily Marie. The family lives in the Miami Beach, Florida.

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