Rewiring the System

Feeling Your Truth

Lately, it seems that whenever I talk to Coders and ask them to make sure they take a moment to get in touch with what they are feeling and reach out to tell someone about their feeling they all get a certain glazed centered energy. To the last every one, there is a look one look that comes over their eyes. The energy of attention stops and they relax into an understanding of exactly to what I am referring.

I am serious about keeping people opened to the wonder and delight all around us especially when there is a point of focus that tends to sweep the sunshine away. I want people to reach out instead of ending the ongoing experience in all of life.

My lead in to a conversation about ‘how do you feel’ sounds like; ‘High achieving people are so much more able to do things so well that when you are not feeling well you are still operating at such a high level, that no one notices that you are less than good. ‘ It is at this point that every coding, developer, network support person gets the same look. It is as though they stop putting up the veneer and get back into their bodies and hearts. Yes, I have been neglecting my feelings, thanks for asking.

Last night I met three super smart coders who were all under 16 at a hacker space.  I said my sentence then took a moment to talk individually to each of them. Yes, it is true that they can slide behind what people think about their work and success mostly always ignoring their emotional humanity. Emotional health is so vital to supporting cooperative collegial cooperation. Emotions are the building blocks of strong happy friendships,  families, and societies.

What can you do when you lose touch with how you feel to the point you can’t tell another person what is inside your heart? The individual becomes unbalanced. The separation is very serious. When what you are working on veils the view of your pulsing life force eventually who you are and why you are here is lost as well. How to talk when you have not exercised your voice? The problem is real. It is a problem not just in the computer world but in all the positions where feelings are pushed down and out as a habitual pattern.

August Ferdinand Möbius

A model can easily be created by taking a paper strip and giving it a half-twist, and then joining the ends of the strip together to form a loop. In Euclidean space there are two types of Möbius strips depending on the direction of the half-twist: clockwise and counterclockwise. That is to say, it is a chiral object with "handedness" (right-handed or left-handed).

In the computer world there is a lot of pressure from the people around you to get success fast with no let down. I know of several persons who are clinically depressed because of  dispersed lack of emotional attention and the continuous mobius edgeless puzzle.